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  How to find Your Discord Token - Get Discord Token - 2020

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howdy guys welcome to a different gaging. instruments discord tutorial  video. during this video i'll show you how. to find the token to your discord. account. in an effort to do the steps in this video you will. have got to do it within the  laptop browser. on a chromebook laptop or macbook. whatever like that. yet unluckily you cannot do it on. your cellphone now earlier than we start i. want to indicate that it's totally. significant to maintain. your discord token secret do not percentage. it with anybody because if someone else. receives it they could hack your account so. first thing we need to do to get. began is simply open up the browser. and go to after which select open discord go forward. and log into your account. once we've logged into our account we. ought to open the developer tools in our. browser. and iin the chrome browser we try this by way of.

First choosing  discord zero two bot  in the end right of. chrome. to open the menu after which go all the way down to. more equipment choose more tools. and then choose developer equipment once the. developer equipment open up. we want to do in the tip menu bar is. select application. if you can't see it there perhaps an. arrow over right here allowing you to scroll. correct. cross ahead and choose program and then. within the  left sidebar over right here. under storage select nearby garage that. little arrow. this will create a touch drop down that. says select that once we have selected. up right here in the filter out. cross ahead and type token after you sort. token. all the values right here ought to disappear now. we have to do. is choose this little button here. on to the left of components. it says toggle device toolbar so select. that after you select this icon go back.